JAVA Syllabus
What is JAVA?
Explain the Features of JAVA.
What is Object-Oriented Paradigm?
What are the features of object-oriented paradigm?
Explain all the features of Object Oriented Programming System (OOPS).
Why JAVA is not a purely Object-Oriented Programming language?
JAVA supports both Compiler and Interpreter, what is the difference and benefit?
What is JIT compiler in JAVA?
How JAVA uses both interpreter and JIT compiler in program exexution? Explain with a simple program.
What is the difference between .class file and .exe file?
What is JVM?
What is JAVA Documentation?
What is API?
What is the difference between '#include' and 'Import' statement?
Explain the use of "public static void main(String args[])"?
What happens if String args[] is not written in main()?
Explain all components present in JVM architecture?
Explain different Data-Types available in JAVA.
What is the difference between float and double in java?
What is a Unicode System?
Explain different types of Operators in java?
How are positive and negative numbers represented internally in java?
Explain different types of bitwise operators?
What is the difference between >> and >>>?
What do you mean by Literals? Explain different types of Literals.
What is the difference between print() and println() in java?
Explain all types of control statements in java?
Explain for-each loop in Java.
What is a collection in Java?
How to decide where to use which loop?
Why goto statements are not available in JAVA?
What is the difference between return and System.exit(0)?
What is the difference between System.exit(0) and System.exit(1)?
What is the diference between System.out and System.err?
What is the diference between, System.out, and System.err?
Explain each in "System.out.println()"?
How to accept input from the keyboard by using InputStreamReader() in java?
How to accept a single character from the keyboard by using InputStreamReader() in Java?
How to accept an Integer value from the keyboard by using InputStreamReader() in Java?
How to accept a Float value from the keyboard by using InputStreamReader() in Java?
How to accept a Double value from the keyboard by using InputStreamReader() in Java?
How to accept a string from the keyboard by using InputStreamReader() in Java?
How to accept different types of inputs in a line by using InputStreamReader() and StringTokenizer() in Java?
How to use Scanner class to read input from the keboard in Java?
Explain each function of Scanner Class to retrieve the tokens.
What is Array in Java? Explain the use of Arrays in Java.
Explain different types of Arrays in Java.
On which memory arrays in Java are created?
Can we call main () of a class from another class in Java?
What is Multi-Dimensional array in Java, explain with an example?
Explain Jagged array in Java with an example?
What is String in JAVA?
Is String a class or data type in JAVA ?
Explain all methods available in String class in JAVA?
How two strings are compared in Java?
What is Object reference?
What is String constant pool?
What do you mean by mutable and immutable objects?
Difference between String and StringBuffer class?
Difference between StringBuffer and StringBuilder classes?
Explain all important methods of StringBuffer class?
Explain all important methods of StringBuilder class?
What is the difference between object-oriented programming language and object-based programming language?
What do you mean by Class and Object in Java?
Can we call class as a data type?
What is hash code in JAVA?