Why JAVA is not a purely Object-Oriented Programming language?

Java is often considered a "pure" Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) language, but it does have some features that deviate from the core principles of OOP. Some of the reasons why Java is not considered a purely OOP language are:

  1. Primitive Data Types:
    Java includes primitive data types such as int, float, boolean, and char, which are not objects. These types do not have methods and cannot be extended, making them non-object-oriented.

  2. Static Members:
    Java has the static keyword, which allows for the creation of static methods and variables that belong to a class, rather than an object. Static members are shared by all instances of the class and can be accessed without creating an object, which goes against the concept of object-oriented programming.

  3. Final Classes and Methods:
    Java has the final keyword, which can be used to prevent classes and methods from being extended or overridden. This limits the polymorphism feature of OOP, which allows objects of different types to be treated as the same type.

  4. Implementation of Inheritance:
    Java supports implementation inheritance, where a subclass inherits the methods and properties of its superclass. However, it does not support multiple inheritance, where a subclass can inherit from multiple superclasses. This is done to avoid the diamond problem, where two superclasses have a common method signature causing ambiguity.

While Java may not be a purely object-oriented language, it still follows most of the fundamental principles of OOP and is widely used for developing object-oriented software.

02/03/2023, 1:26 am Read : 404 times