What is a Unicode System?

JavaSoft people wanted to provide a facility to include characters not only from English but also from all other human languages to be used in Java programs. This will enable the programmers to write and execute a Java program in any language, which becomes an advantage on the internet. This system is called the Unicode system.

In Java, a Unicode system refers to the use of Unicode character encoding in the representation of text. Java uses the Unicode standard to represent characters and strings, which allows it to support text in multiple languages and scripts.

Java uses the UTF-16 encoding scheme to represent Unicode characters. UTF-16 is a variable-length encoding scheme that represents each character in the Unicode character set using one or two 16-bit code units.

Java provides a set of classes and methods for working with Unicode characters and strings. These include the java.lang.String class, which represents a sequence of Unicode characters, and the java.text package, which provides support for formatting and manipulating Unicode text.

The use of Unicode in Java allows developers to create applications that can support text in multiple languages and scripts, making them more accessible and useful for a global audience.

03/03/2023, 11:11 am Read : 378 times