JAVA Syllabus

Explain different types of Operators in java?

In Java, operators are used to perform operations on operands (variables or values). There are several types of operators in Java, including:

  1. Arithmetic Operators:
    These are used to perform basic arithmetic operations such as addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, and modulus (remainder). They are represented by symbols such as "+", "-", "*", "/", and "%". For example:
int a = 10, b = 5;
int c = a + b;    // c is 15
int d = a * b;    // d is 50
int e = a % b;    // e is 0 (since 10 is perfectly divisible by 5)
  1. Assignment Operators:
    These are used to assign values to variables. They are represented by symbols such as "=", "+=", "-=", "*=", "/=", and "%=". For example:
int a = 10;
a += 5;    // equivalent to a = a + 5; (a is now 15)
a *= 2;    // equivalent to a = a * 2; (a is now 30)
  1. Comparison Operators:
    These are used to compare two values and return a boolean result (true or false). They are represented by symbols such as "==", "!=", "<", ">", "<=", and ">=". For example:
int a = 10, b = 5;
boolean result = (a > b);    // result is true
result = (a == b);    // result is false
  1. Logical Operators:
    These are used to combine multiple boolean values and return a boolean result. They are represented by symbols such as "&&" (logical AND), "||" (logical OR), and "!" (logical NOT). For example:
boolean a = true, b = false, c = true;
boolean result = (a && b);    // result is false
result = (a || b);    // result is true
result = !c;    // result is false
  1. Bitwise Operators:
    These are used to perform operations on binary values (values in 0 and 1 form). They are represented by symbols such as "&" (bitwise AND), "|" (bitwise OR), "^" (bitwise XOR), "~" (bitwise NOT), "<<", and ">>" (bitwise shift left and right). For example:
int a = 0b1010, b = 0b1100;    // 0b prefix is used to indicate binary numbers
int result = (a & b);    // result is 0b1000 (binary AND)
result = (a | b);    // result is 0b1110 (binary OR)
result = (a ^ b);    // result is 0b0110 (binary XOR)
result = ~a;    // result is 0b11111111111111111111111111110101 (binary NOT)

These are the most commonly used operators in Java. Understanding them is essential for writing effective Java programs.

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